Sunday, March 28, 2010
something wrong with my blog?
5:05 PM
Sunday, March 21, 2010
happenings happenings.wad should i start with?Concerts::- went to fong's chucrh concert at expo, featuring JJ. its my 2nd concert. the first was with yh, we went for the liang jing ru one. dunno wad was the occasion. also partly featuring one. JJ that one also mini concert. hahahaahz. its was good. he sang a few songs only lah. not much. but wad can we expect for $10? thanx to my steady friends who accompanied me all the way to expo, esp boss and ling li who stay so far. thanx delphini!! =) who is only newly attached and can pei me. she say she won't ps friend for bf. so... we'll see... hahahahaz.. oops. hope i don't sound like a 40 yr old virgin or something. zzzz.. - bough luo zhi xiang's concert. cat 1. $181!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaz.. me and xy sibei impromptu. she was talking me online that xiao zhu had a new concert and then i was like go loh. then we were deciding on the category. so we were saying, want to go, go the best. if not dun go. although, its a tenny weeny little bit ex for me, but i hope he won't dissappoint me. somemore its in 3D! hee. ... and you know wad, the tickets were released at 9am, i chionged during my lunch time to raffles city to get, the good seats were all taken! i was still thinking of going after work. thank god i didn't. hahaha.. may 22nd, party time. =)go outs:: - watched "being human" with des, kylie and my brother. hahahaz.. wad a combi. i was so happy that day. the show was good, as expected. had pasta mania. didn't eat my creamy chicken for a change. then my bro joined us for the movie. hee. i love mixing. i dunno why. i think its important for my friends to know my other friends, and my family members to know my friends. its like, my life, so those who know me, must know my life too. hahahahz.. anyway, my brother knows all my friends, no matter from where. some of my close friends also know my bro. so.... they finally met! hahahahaahz.. kkz. i dunno wad's my point of this para. hahahaz.. - met up with min, xiao min and yi. we headed down to xin wang. and guess wad. we all ate pasta. so which means, i ate pasta 2 days in a row. crapped here, talked there. very relaxing. too bad i had to leave early. -_-.. sad.. min got an iphone! lets count how many ppl around me has an iphone.sisters:: --> 1) michelle 2) fer 3) min 4) yi
poly :: --> 1) rong ping 2) des 3) kylie 4) rence
huh! poly frens only got 4 ppl ah?!?!!? i thought there was more than that. -_-. hahahahz.
black berry :: --> 1) shawn
- went to J pot at vivo with family. wah... SIBEI FUCKING EX SIA!!!!! knn... one set for 4 person rite, $88++.. quite ok rite. wah.. you should see the quantity of the food man. not enough for 3 person loh... but!! the quality of the food, WAH..... SUPERB.. really. the beef is like. WOOOOOO... and the fish and the prawns..... WAHHHHHH..... HAHAHAHAHAAHZ.. OK. i'm REALLY REALLY not exaggerating. those who have too much money and no place to spend one hor, can go and try. or rather, must go and try. food, really good. money, really not good. - met up with min, xiao min and yi on .. thurs? went to xin wang marina square. and guess wad. we all ate pastas. hahahahaz.. work:: - tml's my 1st anni at work! hahahaz.. so far so good. all the team buildings and wad not, not too bad. i very di diao one. dun like to mix. i think a lot of ppl think i'm dao. hahahaz.. anway, who wants to work at vital???? if i intro you , and you pass the confirmation period of 3 months, i'll get $200!!!! then we can go eat buffet. hahahaahz.. really. we really need ppl desparately. anyone wants, pls feel free to send me your resu,mes! thank you!! high pay! good benefits!!! =)
8:52 PM
Sunday, March 07, 2010
went to museum with the gals after our fyp. had a great time! bought a lot of cookies too. hahahahaz.. next time must bring you all go agin for the BAILEYS cake! =)

8:56 PM

clarence's drunk equation

poooorrrr beee ~ ...
hahahaahz... i kinda like this shot actually. =)

and this too. but i dunno wad does it mean. hahahahaz.. but i know its about clarence.
12:15 PM