Wednesday, January 27, 2010
its already 28 days past jan; a few more weeks and it'll be cny; a month's time till its my exam;years till i'll find a job. how's life for everyone so far? has it been smooth sailing? or maybe something unexpectedly pleasant happened? or some negative surprise has been sprung upon you? hahahaz.. dun get me wrong. i'm not emo-ing or anything, i'm just listening to a few slow songs, so it made me had this feel to write 'these kind' of stuff. hahahaz.. anyway for me, i've been busy in all aspects. but for my school assigs, i'm like leaving it till last min. but i'm gonna do it soon!! i feel so bad to mr lau, or do i. hahahz.. my group or rather I choose mr lau's experiment for formal report so we could like you know.... d..e..l...a.......y our report. heeee...... oH!!! I KNOW why i've been so busy!! how could i forget???? my FYP REPORT!!! hahahaahahahz.. now i realised why i've like no activities for the past few days. hahahahz.. it was hell man. the way we chiong. day in day out, one day at kylie's house, next day at clara's house, weekends at my house.. eat lunch, breakfast, lunch, dinner. hahahahaz.. KYLIE'S HOUSE DE DUCK RICE VERY NICE!! clarence!! how come i dind't konw there's this nice duck rice so near your house?!?! hahahaahahahz... i'm helping out museum for a few days. like 5 days plus? for like very little hours. luckily i told her i hate taka. they have a booth at taka agian. yes yes. i said i didn't like museum and i would rather die than work there anymore. its more like i hate taka and the kind of sales. surprisingly, i felt that i have feelings for museum still. hahahahaahz.. i enjoy the stand outside and stone way of passing time, the satisfaction of selling ten tins, the way i'm a little wanted so that i'm at least useful, or needed in one way or another. but definately not long term. and.... i like the new cookies! zzzzzz.... i always have this prob when i go back after a period of time. seriously, i think chris is a genius. she can like keep creating and creating new flavours. !!! how !!!! is that~!!!!!!! and the tins are getting nicer and nicer? and my money goes lesser and lesser. sigh. to my dearest kim:: dun be so pissed off. lucky that stupid gal show you her true colours before you work any longer. anywya, i dun think you'll still be pissed about that inccident. hahahahz.. lets go for a movie soon! loadz of movies came out already. =)
11:27 PM
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
thanx xiao sha, you know me the best. =)
10:33 PM
yay! i blogged pictures!! hahahaahz.. today i went for my interview. at MND, tanjong pagar for the position human resourse officer. asked a lot of wu eh bo eh questions. i hope i did fine. it was more like a casual chit chat session just that i duno if i answer the answer they wanna hear. now i'm afraid it will clash with my taiwan trip. SADDED. went with kim to watch alvin chipmunks.. like last week. ate lunch at hereen.. the shokudo or wadeva dunno how to spell rstn. its like marche like that.. but its jap. its the same name, but they sell different food. then went for alvin, then ate dinner with nicole. supposedly is with RONG PENG BUT SHE nv come. -_-... nicole was already at dover, so we met her.. got my gmask done on my mp3. then went for jap food again. hahahaz.. nihon mura. then went for nicole's favourite dessert, at caramel. just behind cathay, in front of plaza. a small shop.they're known for their cakes, which are damn good. below are the cakes.
the white one is mine. is tea-ra-miss-you. heee...
i'm rather bored lah. when others are already eating, i'm still taking pics. hahahaz.

then on another occasion, its another 3 gals again. delphini kylie and i. it was sso 31st anniversary. we went to the concert but . . . . . . . the show not nice!!! zzzzzz..... i only enjoyed the last song........ i dunno izzit me or i dun appreciate modern music. all the weird weird music. sigh. i thought it would be damn good. sigh. hahahahhaz.. after the concert, we went to gloria jeans for drinks. OH OH... it was their birthday, so each of us had a free cake. by conrad de ok.... hahahahaz..

3 bored gals. =)
my andy lau. hee..

this was taken at clara's house. i went to her house to do fyp. then she gave us (kylie and I) green tea. then i left it there for a while, and the ice melted, and i kinda liked the pic. hahahahaz.. nice rite.
alright. no more. hahahz.
4:33 PM
Thursday, January 07, 2010
now i'm like chasing 3 dramas. if anyone's interested in it, i'll do a breakdown. if no one's interested, i'll still do a breakdown. hahahahahaz. tao hua xiao mei aka momo love -- lame shit. i only watch cuz of jiro. other than jiro, i dunno why i'm watching. hahaz.. hai pai tian xin aka hi my shanghai sweetheart -- funny. good for stress relief. xiao zhu is really good. and chen bao zhu is very shuai. like her character. xia yi zan xin fu aka autumn's concerto -- AWESOME! hahahaz.. one of the best taiwan dramas after fated to love you aka ming zong zhu ding wo ai ni. BUT............... i think there are a lot of similiarties to meteor garden taiwan edition. first.. its abt a rich ass who doesn't like his mother, and has no father and does wadeva he likes and gets away with it. his mother or family is the director of the school so he can NV get suspended. exactly like dao ming shi. then he falls helplessly with this gal who has nothing but strong will to live on. exactly like shan cai. his mother is one of the influential ones who uses money and power to do wad she wants, and is damn damn cold blooded. exactly like dao ming feng. hahahahaz. the mother then matchmakes him and another girl from a rich family for the good of the company, exactly like xiao zi. and then he looses his memory and the poor gal suffers with her memory and past relationship while the guy carries on with his new life. exactly like bof korean edition and meteor garden 2. OMG! too many similarities!!! hahahaahahahz.. i still like meteor garden. =)hahahaz.. maybe this is the kind of show that viewers like. or rather i like. heeeeee..... i read in a article, vaness is the most outstanding member in the "F4".. after they progessed individually, within these 6 months, each of them acted in different shows. jerry - hot shot aka lan qiu huozai zai - black and white aka pi zi ying xiongken chu - momo love aka tao hua xiaomeivaness - autumn's concerto aka xia yi zhan xin fuamong all the shows, autumn's concerto has the highest ratings. and they're all comparing him with ethan ruan. both bodies are hot man. hahahahahz.. except vaness is fitter. ethan is much slimmer. now media is looking at the ratings for the final episodes of this drama and fated to love you final episodes. hahaz. fated to love you had the highest ratings so far. both are my fav. =)KYLIE! GO CHIONG !! GO GO GO ~ !!! =)autumn's concertohappiness, which stop do i alight?
3:01 PM
Saturday, January 02, 2010
its the new yr! my first post of 2010. i'm sorting my life out. hahahaz.. frantically looking for jobs. applied for every govt position available. from sgh, to national library. partly wanted nlb cuz i can borrow books. HAHAHA.. ok anyway..had a good christmas cuz received a few LOVELY gifts. guess wad? all hello kitty. HAHAHA. urm.. ting gave me a hello kitty jewellry box, kimberry gave me a hello kitty earpice and a hello kitty english cup! awesome ~. took pictures, will upload with malacca pics. soon.. dunno when also. hahahaz.. have been quite busy going out, meeting groups of ppl. met up with sistas, poly, eric and nicole and kim again. hahaz. eat eat eat, spend spend spend. today randomly met delphini. eat agian. hahahaz.. zzzzz.... how to grow slim sia. nvm... going back to gym soon. will kenna from my instructor one, confirm. sigh. hahaha.z. starting school in 2 days time. the only thing i've completed is my presentaiton. quite easy though cuz everything is at the back of my hand. my topic is on cookie museum. much as i dislike it, the reason why i present on it is cuz thats the only thing i have the information right at my fingertips. so its damn easy to present. yeap. report not done yet. hahaz.. sian. monday going back to do fyp again. think we're like damn behind time. supposed to finish all the experiment by jan, now still haven start. tsk tsk.. slack too much. actually... we didn't really slack lah. just that our lab is toooooo time consuming. oh well. jia you ba. alrightey. just a random post. =)
11:34 PM