i thought the toilet was rather nice, so i took pics. hahaahahz..
nice rite?!~ hahaahahahz..
after the lift reached 9th floor, you have to tkae the above escalator , and climb more stairs. quite high up.
then at night, cut cake. i bought it at swiss bake. yh, izzit the same cake as yours? hahahaz.. tasted quite similar. hahahaz.
and the cake was damn good. =)
surprise meet up with rong ping's new bf aka kimberry. went to astons and kenna surprised by kimberry's surprise return. haahaz.. went to chocz for desserts after that. no pics of anybody, cuz kim say she wanted to surprise everyone. but wad i didn't realised is that i can blog up after she met everyone, like now. -_-. stupid me. hahaahz.. anyway, no pics of anyone. just food.
i love lights. dunno why. hahaz.
kim's chocolate with A DASH OF RED CHILLI!. yes, you read correctly. zzzzzz. only kim knows how to appreciate these kind of weird stuff. and i love latte art. =)
