Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pictures promised!

my baby cousin. he's so cute!!!! i think i'm in love with him. =)

the jap rstn that my family and I went in malaysia. its very very class!! i like all its set up.

doesn't look jap to you rite? like some french rstn.

not a very good shot.

alright! my mum's grad.

some professor from Hogwarts. hee...

oma graduated! =)

hahaz... when will i wear sia.

2:02 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
just some stuff to share with all of you when i was at the dementia day care
12 things to note when dealing with a dementia patient1. Be patient with me My brain disease is beyong my control2. Accept me the way I am I still have something to offer you3. Talk with and listen to me I can't always answer but i do understand the tone of your voice and your interest. Because I can't remember does not mean i'm dumb. 4. Consider my feelings I am sensitive to shame, embarrassment , to failure and uncertainity. Don't ignore me. 5. You can touch me I'm not contagious6. Don't hurry me Each day I struggle to keep up and understand7. Treat me with diginity I'm not less of a person because I have dementia. I would do the same if our positions were reversed. 8. Be kind to me Your kindness to me may be the highlight of my day. 9. Be with me Pary for me. Your presence shows true compression10. Remember my past Remind me of my previous work, contributions and successes.11. Remember my present Let me do what I can do. Break down activities into steps I can handle. I can respond to encouragement12. Remember my future I need hope for tomorrow and joy. And serenity. Love me and your gift of love will be a blessing of light on all our lives. and tears started to fall.
11:12 AM
Friday, October 16, 2009
rong ping :: that is so not winnie the pooh can. hahaahahahz.. at least bring a hunny pot lah. hee....
bernard :: hey bro. hahahaz.. your mum called you to tell you abt the invitation? oh my. hahahahaz.. you got your schedule already?? confirm can? hahahz..
7:51 PM
Thursday, October 15, 2009
daniel ong's gonna be a father!!! which means jamie's pregnant!! how lovely.. 3 months and 12 weeks... =)
10:24 AM
Monday, October 12, 2009
lets see... i'm been rather boring blogging words and words. think most ppl are busy, not updating blogs anymore. anyway. i'm damn free............................ ok. last weekend have been a rather busy one. was out on both sat and sun, although sunday wasn't really considered going out.. more like waste of time. saturday was a busy day for me.. woke up early in the morning to go to my cousin's house for the tea ceremony for my cousin's wedding. go there talk cock and eat, the same stuff we do always. then left around one... came back, cafe world a bit, happie farm a bit, then i ciao again. met clara at esplanade (she's late as usual). she bought some cookies.. then went to marina square to meet desmond. only desmond was early. the rest were all LATE. i seriously spent like half my life waiting for ppl. sigh. after that, delph came. then ling li and boss came. then pat and gf came. then julie arrived. and finally, amelia reached. meeting time was 4pm at starbucks but when everyone arrived, it was almost 5. wanted to surprise kylie at her place so we went up to the room. hahahahz.. yah, she was surprised. then we help her with the balloons and deco, some wrote the autograph book... one hr later, i ciao again. took a bus from esplanade to bugis, to meet my family. then went to some hotel at east coast to have the wedding dinner. i was sooooo bored can. seriously. i hate this kind of occasions. yes, wear nice nice everything. but so bored. kor went to do ushering, then left me alone with the cousins. boo. the food only started at 8.30. so slow..... at 10.30, we were only at the chicken dish. the interval was so long that i wasn't hungry anymore. ate one piece of chicken, some stalks of veggie, one mouthful of noodles. sian........... waste my appetite. then something crazy happened. my cousin's wife got sooooo drunk that she came over within 5 mins with 3 mugs of tiger. she keep asking me to "ta" her. so yah.. i drank up lah. then my face was soooooooooooo red that my bro could feel the heat coming out of me. zzzzz. sadded. then of course, my mum's face was blackkkkkkkkkkkkkk until it was steaming steam. sigh. wad a way to end the wedding. so anywya, i was soo tired i immediately ko after i bathed. hahahaz.. the next day, went to NTUC for weekly shopping and left around 11.30 for mr lau's house warming cuz gathering. reached buangkok at 12..... waited till you konw wad time? 1. hahahaz.. everyone was late again. went there, didn't eat much.. a few strands of noodles, one piece of mutton, and some veggie.. plue one cup of barley. then went to his house to look look.. wah.... damn small sia. go for an hour or so, we ciao already. sigh. waste time sia. hahahahz.. ok! pics!

chris lee!!


fann.. i like this the best.
ok. this is the wedding i attended last yr. delph, you know him too. teck leong. hahahz..

my bro's the one behind me. the one in suit and tie are his bros, my godbrothers. plus my godma. she tailor made this dress... 400 plus. wow.. chio.

the full 2 families. doens't my dad and his dad look alike? my mum and his mum look alike too? hahahz.. everyone thinks they are siblings married to siblings. hahahaz.

and this is the morning tea ceremony.
invitation cards i sent out.. total of 6 designs. which one did you get?

this is my fav. =)

ppl. pls rsvp!!!! thank you. =)
*14th nov* unofficial theme* up*
11:01 AM