Wednesday, August 26, 2009
my first paper down. it was ok cuz mr nee kinda gave us a duplicate of the exam paper. ok... not exactly duplicate... there are some questions different, but overall, its still kinda the same. hee. i love mr nee!!! wad would i do without him??? hahahahaz.. i'll die in loughbrough without my beloved polymer teachers. hahahahahz.. everyone is in holiday mood! zzz..... everyone can't study properly. everyone is looking forward to the retreat. hee hee hee.... it will be udders on tues, and sentosa retreat on friday. yay! i still dunno wad i'm bringing.. dunno my egg salad or potato salad will do not. if not i dunno wad to bring. oh well... boat reach bridge head naturally straight. i'm at episode 147 of my drama already. hahahahahaz.... chiong-ing chiong-ing. and you know wad, my violin teacher says my hand is too short!! wtf. got this kind of thing one meh?????? wah kao. qi si wo. argh. hahahaahahz.. and and and ... i'm really damn fucking broke this year. really fucking broke. all 21st birthdays. sibei sian. oh well... about my birthday, 80% planned.. hopefully everything will go well. but now is dunno want put on weekend or weekday, put on atual day or not actual day. zzzzzz.. irritating. ok. going to school now to study. and eat foodcourt 1. hee. ta ta.. ~
10:30 AM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
DELPHINE HAS OPENED HER BLOG SHOP!! PLS SUPPORT!!!!! its also under my links, the last one. i bought a new piano book because of one song. how dumb can i be. hahahz.... its not that i really really like the song, its just that i'm inspired by this person. fer intro-ed it to me. to those piano players, pls watch and be inspired. i bought the book cuz of "love story". will try to vind viva la vida's piano score. hahahahaz... i shall try to be like that. hee. if those of you who have not heard cold play's viva la vida, in the video it comes in at 3:44. ENJOY. one more of taylor's new song. one of my favs at this point of time. the lyrics are awesome. apparently i dunno why i can't copy and paste the lyrics. but just go and google it. the melody is nice all seemed so real until i woke up and it shattered like the rain, once again telling me that it won't happen.
1:26 PM
Saturday, August 08, 2009
ok.. am clearing my handphone pics once again. hahahz.. so these are the wallpapers for the past few weeks. i have to change my wallpaper every week. i dunno why i can't stand it to see the same pic over and over again when i slide open my phone. hahahahaz.. zzzz. so now i'm still finding the perfect wallpaper so its still my dearest lee min ho. =)

the pretty birthday gal.
kel's 21st birthday at orchid country club. the latest party that i went. hahahaz.. i went after my test. reached aorund 10 plus 11.
my grandma stayed over at my house for a period of time and she looked through my chidhood pictures. hahahaz.. i couldn't resist but to take my own self when i was young. =) i'm so cute!!!

this was at my uncle's wedding. i was the flower girl. my bro was the flower boy or something like that. thats my mum and dad. =)

my grandma likes this pic. =)
but i like this pic. hahahaz.

i look kinda grumpy rite? hahahahahz.. i looked so fat! so chubby!!!! hahahahahahz.. my mum says i eat a lot last time. everyone likes to feed me cuz i'll eat up almost everything. on the contary to my bro, no one likes to feed him. that explains the difference in size. boo. hahahahahaz..
was bored at that time. hahaahz. forgive me.
oh. this was taken from a postcard. i didn't know i had some skills. hahahahaz.. like this pic. damn nice.
oh. this is wad happens when my cookies commit suicide. 3 of them to be exact. and they are not the flavours i like! chocolate and ginger. boo. had to buy them home. gave mummy eat. the bottom tier was totally shattered. hahahahaahz..
randoms. hahaahz.

went to westmall to meet kylie on one afternoon and we had udders!! udders is an awesome AWESOME AWESOME place for ice-cream. especially their LIQUER ICE CREAM. i went to the taka food fair and i saw their booth. then go kpoh and try their ice cream. WAH. THEIR LIQUER ICE CREAM IS DAMN DAMN DAMN STRONG. wah. i fell in love with it on my first try and i swore i had to go there. then i went all the way to westmall just to eat. wah.. the tiramissu was fucking awesome lah. really got kick one. dunno is drink liquer or eat ice cream. then kylie was wondering why i keep kb-ing abt how strong the liquer was. then she try. hahahaz.. should see her expression. hahahahaahz. PPL. PLS GO AND TRY. ITS DAMN GOOD.
waterbottles. left to right :: julie - clara - kylie - and moi. =)
was bored in lesson. that stupid teacher is so damn damn damn ARGH!!!!! i hate him. nice rite nice rite?? i found my talent in art!!! hee.. =)
chio bu
this was when i'm sending my mum to airport. i saw the sun!! hahahahaz..
thanx hui min for your kind reminder that i'm not young anymore. oh wells... i changed to 21 plus so that i can leave it like that for the next 2 years. hahahahahz..
4:35 PM