Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Finally can upload pics. hahahaz..

this is the gift i got for ci en. hahahaz... nice rite. =)

her cake. nice rite! got her fav butterfly and its purple somemore! hahahaz..


ok. this was random. delphini and kylie. laughing at the stylus used to take order.

thats a very snap shot of the stylus. haahahz.. had fun!!!! =)
6:41 PM
Monday, July 27, 2009
ok. i'm having fucking a lot of probs with the blogger uploading of pics. uploading from yestertday till today still cannot. dunno wad's the fucking prob with blogger.
can't stand it. zzz.... anyway.. its been a while since i blogged. firstly no time, secondly, no time and thirdly, no time. hahaz..
anyway, have been working and studying the past weeks. as usual, nothing special. i kinda forgot wad i wanted to blog already so i shall blog randomly. hahahaz... esplanade is getting busier this few weekends due to the sing dollar comedy. and also beacuse of the national day rehersal every sat. so there are always tons and tons of ppl around and at esplandae but none in the cookie museum. hahahaz... gillian left us. that leaves me with one fren less. why do the ppl whom i like nv stay? dawn, sherry and now gillian. sian. sian. but anyway, i'm thinking of working till dec. or maybe after the festive season. shall stop work next tues! so bee. you can come look for me after my exams. hahahahz.. oh.. and guess who i saw at museum?? LIU QIAN YI!!! hahahaahz.. he's damn friendly. and as usual, rosemary always warn me not to give them extra attention. boo. cuz i always keep looking at them. i'm a celebrity freak. haahahahz.. and also also... i saw someone else at the museum. TAN YEW YEOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaahz. yup. you guys nv see wrongly. our one and ony shanghai tan lao shi. wahahahahahaaha. =) he was there with his wife to watch the "xi you ji" performance. hahahz.. let him try the nasi lemak cookie... eh polymer peeps. dun see him noob noob like that hor. his wife is the *highclass* kind wor... prim and proper one sia. siao siao. hahahahahahz...
met up with delph and kylie for dinner, met up with rence to go mac (diao) , tml meeting cf, kluh and delh for harry potter!!!! yays. i bought the tickets already. went early early in the morning to buy. 2nd row from the back. hahahz.. scully the whole theatre empty one. hahahahahz.. no lah. its a good seat. i bet tml the theatre will be full.
a few things to be proud of myself. i stopped watching dramas!!! hahahaahz.. finally the self discipline to stop. even my customer also chided me. hee. stop liao lah stop liao lah.... zzz.... and i scored quite good (according to my own standard) for the maths test!! hahahaz.. i seriously thought i was a goner for that test. wah........... wear dress to exam helps. next time can wear dress to improve my luck. hahahaahz.. =)
own thoughts :: you know sometimes i like to listen music to sleep and when i fall asleep, i leave the radio or mp3 still on. and you know wad. i think my mind is still wroking self consciously. everytime the radio plays my fav song, i'll wake up in the midst of the song. not the 1st time liao.. its been like 4, 5 times that i wake up to my favourite song in the dead of the night. and last night, i proved my theory right again. hahhaz.. i listend songs to sleep in my phone mp3... and i woke up again during the song"sugar". it was like already 2am. my phone has been playing for the past 2 hours. funny how the mind works huh. someone pls go and try it out and tell me if it works the same can? hahahaahahz..
[dinner at illuma w kylie and delphini ]
9:46 AM