Monday, April 06, 2009
i'm feeling so tired so tired. i dunno why am i even bothering when no one gives a damn? its like... everything also i do, everything also i plan. no one appreciates, no one cooperates, no one puts in the effort. why is it only i feel guilty when a present is not bought and not everyone else? why is it only i feel there's a need to meet up after 2-3 months of not seeing each other? why is it only i feel this way? i dun blame the guys. they're in NS and they hardly have personal time. i dun mind buying the presents, keeping track of all birthdays, planning meet ups blah blah. i love to plan stuff. maybe thats why everyone takes it for granted that i will plan everything and no one offers to help. i'm sick of it. tired of everything. i'm like putting in 100% to cover up for the lack of 50% and that is way too much for me. my mum asks why do i go around buying presents, planning dinners and stuff. i tell her cuz they are my friends. and i hold them important. very important. well.. forgive meif i value you too much; forgive me if i missed you when i've not met up with you for months; forgive me if i just want to know how are you; forgive me if all i ever wanted was to get everyone presents on their birthday. its error on my part and i won't let it happen again. pls don't get me wrong. i never ever thought of claiming the credit for all that i planned, i never wanted to be kowtowed for credit. i just need to feel that all of you care and you all are trying. just that. is that too much to ask for? how long has it been this way? slap me if i'm wrong, but i dare say its close to 2 yrs. maybe more. maybe thats life, once you separate, you separate for good. i can't force nature can i. ok.. i'm just gonna let nature take its course. if everyone doesn't care, i shan't either. da jie da on one side and da jie on the other. the pressure and the STRESS felt is something i'm very sure no one felt before. we are all going to be 21 this yr and that adds on to extra stress. yes. we are all busy. who is not? running out of ideas for presents, running out of ideas for places to meet, running out of my strong will too. i felt this way once before but i shrug the thought off, thinking that the most important thing is that everyone gets together. now i can't shrug it off. i feel that i value friends way too important over family. i don't even get christmas presnts for my mum and dad although they give me one every year, i dun watch movies with my mum nowadays, i dun treat them as well as i treat my friends; and thats going to change. i promise. yah. maybe i need a boyfriend like wad everyone says. if not i'll become a grumpy old bitchy witch who keeps meeting up with friends when ppl have girlfriends and boyfriends to meet.
thanx for always asking me out when you have the time, or watching movies every thurs as a date, and those who've help me plan everything once. you know who you are and i thank you with all my heart.
and maybe its just the difference in thinking. i just can't connect. i dunno if its me or you but there's definately something wrong in between. take hints. doesn't mean you want to talk, means i want to listen; doesn't mean you want to listen, means i want to talk.
i'm going to work my ass of till june in cookie museum. won't be blogging till then. can consider this blog temporary dead.
action speaks louder than words.
1:08 PM
Saturday, April 04, 2009
went to paul wai's wake today.. was saddened by everything. wasn't close to him in sec school days cuz not same class or cca or wad. just know he's in 4/9 and he plays basketball. sigh. i have thousands and thousands of thoughts running through my mind but i can't seem to write anything down. to those who were from outram, below is the news. not in straits times but in straits times online.'s fragile. real fragile.
rest in peace, paul wai.
11:59 PM
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
decided to delete all the photos i took from my phone.. it was entertaining looking at wad stupid pictures i took randomly. hahahahaz..
this was from the kelong. i like this pic cuz its like silhouette-ed kind of thing. black black one. this is the sun rise... very nice rite!
no sun! if you look closely, you will se something like a lighted rectangle box from the sky to the sea. its so amazing when i realised that. hahaz..
ok this is the big pooh and the small pooh. i used to have one pic with 2 small poohs on each leg. but i think i deleted it already.
i have no idea when did i take thois pic. then i realised i didn't. one of them did. and the most suspicious suspect is -- goh ji bee. hahahahahahz..
another sun scene. i think this is sun set. this was taken when i was at camp voyage. the only camp i went since i graduated from sec school. this is the MOE campsite and its really good. all the facilities were in good ocondition. and this place was the place i was emo-ing. the canoe shed. nice place. the campers were all watching some video i think. hahahaz. but a pity its at changi, so you'll hear the irritating sound of the plane every 5 mins. boo.

oh. this is still at the campsite. this is sand actually, if some of you can't see. not very obvious lah. nice rite. hahahaz.. this was done when the campers were getting ready for amazing race. my fren and i were in charge of one station. so we had time to draw all this. hahahaz.
"lyn <3>

hee.. this is my bear!!! her name is sunshine!!!! i think some of you have seen her before. hahhaz.. cuz my maid washes her every month. so to make her dry faster, my maid clipped her to the window. like that.
to make her look more emo, i changed the position. hahahahaahz.
"hi everyone! i'm sunshine!"
this was taken when my family sent my mum to thailand. it was in the morning and i wore very lousy clothes. then i saw mickey and minnie! so cute rite. hahahaahz.. my dad took the pic for me.. 

ok. this was at jazreel's birthday party. i had this in my phone, so i juz blogged it up. and yah. her boyfriend. zhan ming.

my house view throught the balcony window. think there was something special about the sunset that day. but i can't seem to figure out wad is. hahaz.
fong. think i missed out this pic. its one of those you took.
my mummy and andy lau, my youngest cousin. yes. you read correctly. andy lau. hahahahaahz.
went to waruku with fong and rence last night. was a rather last minute gathering but stil i was bluffed my way through. hahaahz.. dunno why rence like waruku so much. hahahaz.. go there eat the same thing. all 3 of us.
pictures all taken by fong.

we also ordered sides. wah the sides rite, damn fucking small lah can. zzzzzz. its about 6.80 per side and look at the serving.
7:32 PM