Sunday, December 28, 2008
my blog is long due for updates. i know... hahaz.. i'm out of camp btw.. in case got ppl dunno. hahahaz.. and its the 28th of dec now. sigh. its days to 2009... how ultra fast is that. seems like time is really volatile. this yr has been a very different yr as compared to last yr. a lot of things have change, example. direction, lifestyle, frens, goals blah blah blah. i wanna write the super long reflection of this yr in my diary but i will end up using 3 hours writing cuz i usually write in chinese. so i figure i will type as my typing speed is definately faster. updates on the past few days. 23rd --> met up with yh, jx and xin yu for dinner at makan sutra. ate a simple yet satisfying dinner which i long for it. hahahaz. its was juz kang kong, sting ray and carrot cake. =) so simple rite. yet i enjoyed it a lot. hahaz. maybe cuz long time nv sit down with the gals liao.. then gave them the presents and we headed down to MOF to eat desserts. jap desserts. hahaz. i love them. =)24th --> work in the morning, then at 6, went to my uncle's house to celeberate full month of baby andy. he's soooooooooooooo sooooooooooo cute can??!?!?!?!?!? my god.. hahaz.. bee un understand how you feel abt xavier and kean liao.. hahahahz.. he's sooooooo cute. i can never emphasis it. until abt 9, my family left and i went to round 2 of celeberating christmas. i went down to cookie museum for celeberation. Ian and christ did the cooking this time round. this is the first time i ate their dinner and it was superb. its not like those normal normal dinner... Ian and christ both learnt differnet kinds of cusine overseas so they did their own style. i LOVE the beef... wah... and the dessert. hee... talking abt it makes me hungry. nvm. my maid is almost done with the cooking anyway. 25th --> christmas day!!!! reached home at 2 last night but woke up at 8 in the morning. met ashley at 9.30 at expo for his city harvest service. i went there last yr and surprsingly i enjoyed it. hahaz.. so i went again this yr. its so professional lah sia. all the dance, sound system, drama blah blah... after that, chiong back to lavender cuz family having lunch at serangoon JUMBO. just to try their dim sum. after after lunch, went to visit my second uncle. stayed there for a little while, then went to my grandma's house for another visiting. hahaz.. seems like chinese new year came early. hahahaz.. after that, stayed there for dinner before going home. i was DEAD BEAT!!. 26th --> met filzan and shaiful in the afternoon for lunch at harbourfront. settled at halal banquet cuz food republic at vivo was totally PACKED. wad the fuck. it was already 2 in the afternoon and there's still SO MANY PPL! ........ after zan left, shaiful and i walked around a bit and then he left. so juz nice rence was already reaching harbour front le. went to walk walk a bit then randy joined us. after walking around, buying food for the BBQ, bao and david came and pick us up to the condo. its at carribbean condo btw.. near vivo. and its sooooooo expensive. yah.. enjoyed the BBQ cuz i saw a lot of familar faces although i didn't get to talk to them much. had the gift exchange and most went home. kel and i stayed behind with fer and gab, and issac and jacq. till abt 12 plus. then we cabbed home. 27th --> this is the day i've been wating for for about half a year. hahaz. its alvin's wedding!!!! i'm so happie. finally i get to wear nice nice, and eat good food. and be part of this happie occasion. hahaz... woke up early in the morning to attend the morning session of the ceremony. while waiting for the bride and groom to arrive, the cousins juz sat in the room to catch up on the lost times. but a sad thing is that friends are getting more than relatives. sigh. sad aint' it. although i myself am not really close with my cousins cuz its the way singaporeas live their lives, i still try to talk and make ourselves comfortable with each other. this is the only time so far where we see each other day and night. so i guess the gap is pulled much much smaller. =) after ceremony, my family and i went home. my bro watched "yuan lai wo bu shuai". got JJ and lee jiu zhe. i'm supposed to be happie watching JJ but .. after wathing the first epi, i pi liao ... DAMN TIRED. have been sleeping at 2 and waking up at 8 plus 9 for the past few days. busy writing letters all the way. dinner was at concorde hotel. (( thats the new name. the old name is dunno wad orchard meriden ah. juz beside istana. )) i was helping out with the registration to direct guests which table they are sitting at. so fun loh. hahahahaz.. and you all will never guess something. i met someone i know at the wedding ((other than my relatives, of course. hahaz. )) i was at the reception when i saw someone sooooo familiar.. she also recognised me. then she was like talking to me already. "oh... he's your... " . my mind was racing trying to place who she is but i continued talking though "oh my cousin... he's your? " "Oh.. he's my boss.. " then the normal blah bah blah. hahahaz.. then i saw the name and i knew who she was. GERALDINE. hahahaz.. from SP DCP, DELPH'S CLASSMATE. how small is the world??? HAHAHAZ... yah. so interesting. it seems like it only happens in movies and dramas. but it happens. hahahahz.. reached home around 12 then sleep at one. 28th --> mimmy and daddy left for vietnam!!! on their 3rd honeymoon. hahahahaz... so romantic. =) flight at 12.40. kor us all to airport then drove me back. then he go for his weekly soccer session. came back, chiong anime all the way. hahahaz.. actually i was writing letters to prepare for the gathering later but looks like its pointles. dun wan to talk abt it. tml school reopens! like so lame can. go for one day then holiday agian. stupid sp.. dunno wad the hell are they thinking... always do this kind of stupid things. ok. now updates on the whole year. study life ::graduated from sp this yearwith dip on polymer tech.. currently studying on adv dip polymer technology. not sure wad i wanted at that point of time, so given advice from teachers and personal reasons, i decided to carry on with the course. come first sem resutls, not very encouraging, started to doubt my abilities if i'm able to make it in 2 yrs. asking advice from frens, frens and frens, all say the same thing. i'm also not very sure of my own route, so i decided to drop it. as in.. drop talking abt my future. i will continue taking this course and will think abt it when there's a need. so yah... i'll still be in adv dip till 2010. wish me luck guys. work life ::as everyone knows, this yr is the yr where i changed the most jobs. i think i left coffee club this yr, worked at kkr @ dempsey this yr, singapore pools this yr started cookie museum this yr as wel. hahahaz.. yes i know. wad made me change so fast i also dunno... but at least now, i'm stable. started working in cookie museum on 1st july. so its already half a yr. contract supposed to end this dec but i didn't hit my supposed hours.... so i'm continuing this job until i finish my hours. after that?? hahahz.. i dunno as well.. rosemary say that we'll have a talk and see if i wanna continue or whether they need me. if i dun wanna continue or they dun need me, then i say bye bye liao loh. actually whenever ppl ask me how's that place, i would ususally give the same answer. its very different. how do i put it in words? the culture is soo different. you have to work with them for 2 to 3 months to get used to it. i've gotten used to it, but i'm not them. you see? its hard being culturised by them. siao on, hardworking, very piah.... i can't. i need my social life. i can't stay there 24hrs to sell cookies, sell hampers, meet clients and stuff. i really enjoy myself there, i really learnt a lot but its hard to become one of them. if and its a BIG IF i really leave the place, i really dun feel like finding another job. hahahaz.. i'm so lazy. its like thinking of working... sigh. i can juz slack at home. maybe find a totally job. scarly i end up at singapore pools again. hahahaz.... social life ::social life... did a lot of socialising this yr. socialising only comes in funny funny big big events. eg, thailand trip, volunteer at 4pm, weddings and rence's birthday party. not really socialising but juz talking to peeps whom i dun know at first. hahahaz.. i juz wanted to look back at my volunteerism days. kinda fufiling although at pointsssss of times, a lot of things went wrong. but a decsion made is a decision i dun wanna regret. so yah. i dun regret. juz hope for the better the next time round. i think i will continue but not sure how. if i can find permanent organisations, thats the bez... but i still need time... and a lot of socialising again. friendship ::the graduation separationg thing really tests any of our friendship... see if it really jing de qi kao yan. well... some are good, some not really. still the same old thing, pls look at the effort behind each oragniser, be it birthday parties, norma gatherings, movie sessions, dinners blah blah blah... ITS NOT EASY TO ORGANISE ANY OUTING. have to think of date, place, time, ppl, confirm this, confirm that all the BLOODY SHIT. its REALLY REALLY REALLY NOT EASY. dun suka suka cancel this cancel that. at the same time, BIG THANK YOU to all those who took the initiative to organise wadeva outings. i know its not easy. ((i damn well know))... thanx!!! may we be in contact as long as we can. =)i appreciate all the small small smses to ask how am i or how's life, small small things that you guys do. like dropping down to my workplace to say hi ((big big SORRY to fer and kel.. hahaz.. i REALLY DUNNO how come everytime you all go there i always not there. zzzzz.... i'm so sorrie. )), online messages and mail or even tag at my tag board. ITS APPRECITATED!!! DUN THINK I DUN CARE. I DO. =) =) =) =)i love all of you! my sistas especially... fer's going to go austrilia, kim's leaving as well. why?!?! all leving........................ sadded. =( its ok. i'm sure we'll stay in contact. =)family life ::a lof of new added family members this yr... andy (my new born cousin) and april, (my cousin's wife). next yr, another coursin getting married. hahahaz... wad a year of happiness. speaking of happiness, fer has found her other half! hahahaz... so happie for her.. gabriel's a very nice guy. =)!!! about my immediate family members, wanna say sorrie to my mum cuz i'm literally not at home for diiner everyday. since my birthday..... so sorry... birthday month was meeting up to celeberate my birthday, dec was to celeberate frens' birthday and christmas and new year. jan definately to meet up for cny. sigh. sorrie mummy..... i'll try to meet up lesssssssss.. kinda happie our family of 4 have been going out for dinners and stuff... now my mummy and daddy are on a trip alone in vietnam. hahaz... so happie for them. kor and i are alone at home. this helps to bond us stronger. hahahahaz.. ok. crap. glad kor and daddy are getting fine... glad that daddy's not getting weird tempers anymore. glad everything's stable!!!! i love my family. =)hmmmmm.... looks like i've got every aspect covered... left something ppl keeps asking me abt. ok. here goes. love life::status--> single. no boyfriends, no one special, no boyfriends-to-be, no one. i hope this answers all your questions. hahahahaz... i'm sure ppl reading my blog knows me very well.. and i'm sure if you know me very well, you would know that i'm the sort of person that won't go for ppl who like me but i dun like them. i have cousins who are still single at age 30 plus. why not? not that i want to be lah. of cuz all girl's dream is to get married, form a family and give birth!!!! i love babies. hahahahaz... i asked my mum. "mummy ... i want a baby but i dun wan a husband". hahahaz.. she stared at me and said "mei, dun talk nonsense. ". hahahaahahz... sigh. i dun want to adopt. i wan MY OWN. hahahahaz..ok. i'm not in the topic anymore. anyway. the last one i had feelings for should be khalid ba. he was the last one i longed for. after him, there was no one i liked and cared for ((as a crush. i still care for all my frens. hahahahaz.. )). so yah... dun keep asking me why i no boyfriend, when's my turn this that this that. it gets irritating sometimes. hahahaz... ok. time check. 8.12. i started writing at 6.30. minus 20 mins of dinner, abt an hour plus still. ahahaz... gonna end off soon. juz some thoughts for the new year...its another year, a new chance to have a new beginning. those who are on their way to your dreams, congrats! wish you all the bez in your dreams and i bet you will succeed. those who have no idea wad the hell you're doing, dun worry. you're not alone. hahahz... always remember wad goes around comes around, you reap wad you soweh. getting a bit philosophical here. gonna end here then. hahaz..DAYS AWAY TO 2009! MAY ALL THE HANDSOME HUNKS AND PRETTY BABES STAY COOL AND CONTINUE TO ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPIE NEW YEAR MY DEAREST FRENS, MAY WE STAY IN CONTACT FOREVER AND FOREVER!love,Lynette Lim Yu Ying =)p.s. word count = 2471 hahahaz..
6:07 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
i'm in camp!!anything sms me but i may not reply.still the same. those owe money , pls pay.. dun make me call you. wahahahahahahaahha.. oops. hee..bye guys!!! weee ~ camp ~ !
1:37 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
today was a sad day... at the viewing hall, watching the coffin slowly inching in, i broke down.
life's short.. really short. too short in fact. but its not short enough to realise that family members are the most important in our lives. i know its very cliche, but its wad it is.
sigh... another gone.
Rest in peace...Be strong.
10:07 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2008
yimei --> hahaz.. everyone is in love with him. RIGHT BAO HUI? hahahaaz.. edward loves us too! hahahaz.
ting --> thank you dear.. i know. hahahaz.. although somehow i think desmond looks a little uglier than last time. =X
xinyu --> you wan to join next yr? hahaz.. who are the so many ppl you talking about?
10:26 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008
ok. have been busy busy busy for dunno how many weeks. finished my invigilation which was kinda sad cuz i didn't get to see ding yi on my last day. but i saw someone else though. hahaz.. oops. have get my pay for that yet... dunno when it wil come. hopefuly before christams?? i'm fucking fucking broke... how many gifts exchange do i have? on top of that, i still buy something for everyone. i have cookie museum gift exchange, birthday presents to buy including my mum. zzzz, sistas gift exchange, and a little someting for everyone. not including dinners? hahaz.. wow.... this month is especially heavy. but hey. isn't that wad christmas is all about? i juz hope the money will come asap. and all those who owe me MONEY. I NEED IT ASAP. MY VITAMIN M IS DEPLETING. I NEED MORE VITAMIN M. thank you.
hahaz. everyone's blog (( acutally not eveyrone lah. only dc and kylie hahaz..)) talking abt rence's birthday. wanna add something. clarence's birthday was very well done, actually more like a miniature wedding. hahaz... i like the ambience very much.. if only rence put in a little more effort on his dresscode. hahahaz.. yah.. everyone was happie at then end.. esp those who stayed till the last like me, fer, kel, alex, weixin, wayne, joan blah blah blah.. had fun with eh PI AH PI , PI AH PI. hahahahz.. i will never forget that. hahaz..
after that met up with des and kylie cuz they coming to my house for a little while before we all make our way down for the stand chart marthon. i like the t shirt this yr, makes everything worthwhile. but i was fucking tired can. zzzz. the day before woke up at 8 then busy for the whole day. only slept at the next day 5 pm. so i had no sleep for like 33 hours. omg. sorrie kylie for the times i kept dozing off while sitting down. I REALLY REALLY REALLY couldn't keep my eyes open. saw zheng jie and miss ong. hahaz.. wad a coincidence.
went out with ting on monday to do some christmas shopping. hahahaz.. i didn't know how fun shopping was. as in shopping presents for ppl and for yourself. note :: i still hate shopping for clothes. hahaz.. i have no idea why. anywya, bought all the presents at one shot. you should have seen my shoe bag. sooo bulky towards the end. i had one piece of blue note, 4 pieces of red note, 3 pieces of green and a few purple notes. at the end of the shopping spree, i'm left with a few purple notes. i've spent more than hundred on presents itself. hahaz.... and i'm not even done with it.. good job, yu ying. hahaaz...
one more interesting thing to blog about. 11th dec at 10.30am, i rushed down to cookie museum for a very huge event. hahaz.. this new show, "a jolly good time" , hosted by desmond koh, michelle chia and joanne peh came to host abt cookie museum. hahaz.. i was sooo excited. i can't really describe wad happened in words, but if you all wanna know, its debuting on 3rd dec ((which means has already debuted)). the one on cookie museum is on 31st dec, 8.30pm. need to know more details about the show, ... hahaz.. i lazy to talk about it. this is not the main point. the main point is, how can i, celebrity siao one, dun take pic with them rite??? hahahz.. =)
she's damn damn taaalllllll can. hahaz.. like one bloody head higher than me lah!!!
wwweeee ~ i've got a new wallpaper! hahahahahz..
sigh. she's so pretty. wad a perfect match for shaun.
ok! back to reality. hahahaz.. events coming up :: 13th --> mummy's birthday lunch @ jumbo dempsey17th --> k box session 19th to 22nd -> camp voyage!23rd --> dinner with gals24th --> andy's 1st month anni! 24th --> cookie museum's xmas dinner! =)26th --> meet up with zan and ful26th --> xmas dinner with the whole whole gang. 27th --> alvin's wedding!!!!!!!! 29th --> school. sadded. hahahaahahahz..whew... wad a list. ok. going to get more vitamin M. hahaz..
[[ ATTN BAO HUI :: you know we have one pic taken together on min's birthday last yr? i put that as my dp in tagged and i'm getting tons and tons of messages from desperate guys. hahahahaz.. you should go and check out the dp. juz to flatter both of us. hee. *winkz*. ]]
1:53 PM
Friday, December 05, 2008
3:22 PM
Thursday, December 04, 2008
ok.. do i really not update that regularly? hhaz.. i really nothing to update eh. or rather everytime i wanna blog something, i will make a mental note and then forget all abt it. So random stuff. i'm in love with someone. or rather 2 someones. first up. is edward cullen. second, is henry deTamble. ok i was first in love with henry , then edward. but i think i love edward more. hahahahahz.. i think i shouldn't read any more love novels. i will juz keep falling in love. henry is soooo sweet, edward is soooooooo soooooooo sweet. me and bao juz keeps talking abt edward be it sms or msn. me ting and fer juz keeps talking abt henry everytime we have the chance. hahaz.. i really dunno how to express myself in words but if anyone wans to fall in love with vampires or time travellers, pls go and read the books. hahaz.. its the 1st week of dec! one more month and its 2009. anyone realised it yet? everyone is in christmas mood, hols mood.. no one thought abt 2009. hahaz.. so damn fast. wads gonna change? actually nothing much. still in adv dip, still working at cookie museum and maybe a little changes but i'm not very sure. hahaz.. speaking of cookie museum.. yay! i'm happie! my sales is 5240 dollars!!! i hit 5k! =0) hahhaz.. although its very little compared to the highest 28k but i'm still happie with my own results. =) ok. actually i have nothing more to write. or rather, i have more imortant stuff to do. create the certificate for the camp!!! i have no idea how to and how it will turn out to be. dun kill me admin commrades. haha.. i'm trying my bez. tata ~
11:35 PM