Tuesday, September 30, 2008
watched becoming jane in the aftenoon. yes, another dvd from sp. hahaz.. i got GAME PLAN also! hahahaha.. anyone heard of becoming jane before? hahaz.. guess not. its acted by anne hathaway. This film is inspired by the early life of actual author Jane Austen and lawyer Thomas Lefroy. She was the one who wrote Bride and Prejudice and it was said that she invented the character Mr Darcy with Lefroy in mind cuz they have very very very similar personalities. hahaz.. and yah.. mr darcy indeed has very similar traits as lefroy. hahaha.. i noticed in the show. although lefroy and auseten weren't together, lefroy actually named her eldest daughter JANE. omg.. hahahaha. its in the very old english period where they use shakespear english to communicate. its a 2 hour film and the first hour passed very slowly cuz they talk very little and the story is very slow moving. at the last half hour, everything starts to make sense and you keep predicting the ending... but its unexpected. hahaz... this film is really good and i really like the ending. =)http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Becoming_Jane to those who are interested, karma kettle has renovated SOOOOOOOO MUCH and they changed their menu significantly. good news to us des and kylie, the menu looks good! hahahahaah.. esp the dessert. *winkz* =)www.karmakettle.com i finally decided to upload the singapore garden festival pics to my blog. hahaz. cuz it took up too much space. my thailand trip and this festival pics added up to 272 in total. plus all my flyer pics, hippo pics, dhl balloon pics, gathering pics, graduation pics, blah blah blah.... abt 800 in total. finally deleted all of them. so after this post, i will delete my pics for china trip! yay!
another seson of enchantment

these 2 pics nice rite?!?!?!?! hahaz..
there was this posh car juz there.. dunno wad's the significance cuz its supposed to be a garden festival. hahaz.

this is one of the many landscapes which no matter how many shots or angles or times we take, cannot potray the actual magnificence of the whole art itself. beautiful

all the blocks and circles are made up of flowers!

i love this one

hahahaah. cute gal rite?


this is also one of the must see there.. the shangri-la underwater. i dunno which is the best angle so i took it from all the possible angles. hahaz.. and there were a lot of ppl crowding right in front. very irritating.

this is my fav. its actually an illusion thing. there's this mirror thing then a whole area of lavender and then another mirror at the back. so if you look right in front at first sight, you will see a never ending field of lavender. woah. i juz stood there and admire and admire and admire. hahahaha..

i think this is delph's fav. =) its lovely too.. another illusion thing.

yay! white grand piano
this is cool rite? hahahaha..
and this my frens, is a cupcake. a gigantic one in fact. hahaha..
happie birthday kor~! i love you!!!!! =) =)
selamat hari raya to all my malay frens and of cuz my dear michelle.
As we walk through our friendship, there'd be times when you won't see me beside you. Pls don't think that i left you alone, i choose to walk behind so that i could hold you if you fall.
5:49 PM