Monday, July 14, 2008
This post is soo sooo delayed. hahaz.. sorry guys. but i did ask jia xin to send some pics cuz i think by the time i sent them to you guys, it would be year 2010.
finally got the time to blog abt the toy convention ((i know xin yu’s convention post was how many hundredth post before.)) anyway, met up with shawn and fong and boss after my lunch at stadium walk. i expected the crowd already lah. had to squeeze my way in through the stupid place cuz all the people taking photographs of all the ppl crosplaying. finally found the trio. but by the time i came, they have finished looking at everything liao. then i was like. then i come for wad. hahaz… so i made them walk with me again. cuz i brought my cam along, they agreed so that fong can take pics of the interesting stuff. so we split. fong and shawn walk their own, me and boss walked our own.. but actually really nothing much lah. cuz most of the things i also dunno. hahahahaah.. i only know bleach then also not much of bleach lah. only saw ichigo. but so ugly. zzzz. no hitsugaya also. then we saw something damn funny. there was this big big booth for nitendo WII. then a few star wars characters were PLAYING tennis on WII. ahahahahah.. really damn funny lah. cuz their costumes are so stiff then they move like very jia lat like that. damn funny. and they can’t speak and display any emotions. so you see a very tall, big, stiff, serious faced machine playing silent tennis with WII. hahahahaz…
after that no more liao. took a few more pics then carried on our journey at suntec. went to a few shops here and there then went to hans. the guys were very hungry. so 3 hungy men makes 3 angry men. hahahahz.. after until really nothing to do liao, we went to shawn’s car and slack. we blasted the aircon and blasted the radio. SUANG. hahaz.. i juz lay there like my own car like that.. then crapped and crapped abt totally nothing at all. hahaz.. then we head down to starbucks at shaw plaza. carped again until it was time to meet delph and jia xin for dinner. oh. i have to describe this scenario man.
ok. there were actually 2 tables cuz there were 4 of us. i wasn’t sure who made the phone call to delph (cuz too long ago liao) then her phone was ringing ringing. and i also forgot who said “who want to bet, she still at bedok,” [*points to one of the table meaning, place your bet here. if you think otherwise, place it on the other table] then i placed my hello kitty album (bought at suntec) and fong put his whole wallet on the table. hahaz…. damn funny lah. we were all like. “aiyah confirm one lah.” in the end, she still at tampiness. -_-
went down to syawal’s place for dinner. forgot to apologise for the not very fantastic dinner. i know the seafood baked rice is hen nan chi. and no steak no this no that. zzz. i feel pai seh also. intro you all then like half fuck. BACK to main point. i started my usual drawing on the blank mahjong paper and others followed suit. AND THEN. we started our MASTERPIECE!!! hahaz… i’m sure everyone contributed a lot. its still at my house. [pls tell me wad to do with it] we barinstormed, mindmapped, think and thought and think. hahahaha.. colourful somemore. *winkz*. syawal was soooo kind cuz she displayed 2 dvds and ask us which one we want. one is death note 1 and the other is death note 2. and of cuz we chose death note 2!!! all of us were so excited. hahahaz.. finished our dinner and shawn sent of us home. hahaz.. not sure abt the others lah. but i was the first. so i assumed he followed suit. ((oh shawn. i heard abt the incident abt you and fong abt the expressway misunderstanding. hahaz.. sorry ah. didn’t get you back in time for the carpark again. .zzzz.. ))
overall, had a very fun time with the usuals again. Hahaz.. hope to meet up again soon! =)fong:: i think jia xin didn't send you the pics for the convention rite? well, here goes!
i dunno who this is.. haahaz.. but not much ppl were taking her so we took quite a clear shot. below are all taken by cf. hahaz.. i dunno wad are they too. well, to those who know, enjoy!

there were loadz of ppl crosplaying lah. we only got to take quite a few clear shots. too many professional photographers with big big cameras surrounding them. hahaz..oh.. i love this gal. she's so cool! hahaz..

ok. now we are at syawa's place for dinner. drawing time ~

this is by jia xin. hahaz.. some ppl can really draw and some can't. zzz.. i'm the one who can't. see her ballon soooo nice. mine like dunno wad sia. -_-its a (i think) 5 course dinner consisting of appetizer, soup, main course, desert and coffee/tea.
this is the appetizer.. its crispy mushrooms and its damn good. hahaz..
brocoli SOD. i like the way they have like soup bowl and saucer. very classy. hahaz..
this is my dory fillet
and this is the seafood baked rice. not very good lah. hahaz.. sorry ah guys.okie. pics time with the star of the day. cf. hahaz.. that cap is actually his lah. i wanted to act mud so i put it on like that. hahahahaz..

boss nv fail to act cool

[note the screen. its lighto!! hahaz.. ]

this was taken in the lift on the way to shawn's car at shaw plaza. it was supposed to be a light shining on cf's botak head, making him look like a monk gaining enlightment but! my flash was on and it came out all wrong. no time to change the flash cuz we reached the car park liao.
yay! my hello kitty album! so cute~~~~~ rite? hhahaz.. i received my SP grad photo when i reached home. having my cam still with me, i took a few shots.

i went to malaysia on sat. the first time i woke up at 6.30 am for the past few years. hahaz.. so the very very dark sky with a little morning light seems so new to me. hahaz.. so i took some pics with it.

[a trip to Malaysia] [extracted from travel diary 2]
woke up at 6am to get ready for shopping! left home at 7.30 to popo’s house to get her passport. Reached checkpoint at 8.30 and there was already a LONG LONG LLLOOONNNGGG queue. so bo pian loh; man man queue. daddy says the queue will take half an hour. In the meantime, i was listening to my fav Korean songs. AND…… we saw a total of 4 cars who cut queue despite the report in Straits Times a few days back warning us abt cutting queue. wah. damn du lan..i see already i so bu shuang. zzz. dunno why the ppl who queue so hard are willing to let ppl cut.
Anyway. went to daddy’s office to put his stuff and sit sit. Then we left for Jusco. Its a huge huge shopping centre something like vivo. walked round and afew shops caught my attention. Papa roti or roti papa (dunno is which one) and dunkind donuts and bread talk. ate roti papa! s’pore dun have liao (i think). then went to my search for photo frames. after that went to see my clothes. bought only 2 lah. not much cuz not very nice designs. the more expensive shops there got better designs. next trip ba. 4 hrs passed so fast loh. Before we knew it, daddy came liao. went to lunch at Kenny Roggers. Not too bad. the chicken is juicy. then the hot chocolate, they gave me a smiley face(with the chocolate syrp) =) hahaz..
then mummy daddy and popo went for coffee somemore. i dun wan so i went shopping along. saw a few more really good stores and may get some prezzies from there.
wanted to get a few shoes but none of them suit me.
Then came the moment of my life. passed by a salon neamed Janzern (it ink). looked at the interior and the price, not too bad. 36RM which is $18. lesser than my usual 30. so i wanted to give it a try. (after a long long scenario,) my hiar is now SPIKEY. yep. you heard me. hahaz.. i totally look like a guy now lah sia. hee hee…. well, its my once in a lifetime chance to do it, rite?
went to get a few more last minute stuff and we are on our way back to s’pore for dinner with kor =).
add ons for my diary post::
*****about the cutting queue rite. i really damn du lan leh. i or rather we queued for like fucking one hour and wad. the stupid cars juz cut in. although they didn’t cut our queue lah. but i see liao i also damn bu shuang. zzzz.. and the PPL LET THEM CUT! WAD THE FUCK. zzzzzz… one car cut behind behind us. and at that time, 3 motorcycles (i think they are one gang one lah) slowed down till they are beside the car and literally diao them loh. but the car still cut. and one car cut in front in front of us. then my dad honked lah. honked liao the car still go in. then you know wad we did? hahaz.. very stupid lah. we called the police. told them that ppl are still cutting the queue. i dunno why i get such a huge reaction lah. but you muz really be there at that point of time to experience the time to queue and someone juz conveniently cut in cuz they dun wan queue. zzzzz.
*****okay. i’m sure guys muz be thinking if wad i wrote is true. haahz.. yup. it is. my hair is boy like, those spikey ones where you have to really style if not you will look like some drug addict. i came home and i immediately took pics of it. but i was wondering i should post the pics up. BUT. i rather not. hahaz.. cuz i wanna meet you guys individually and see your reactions in person. =). hahahahaz… so yeah. my h/p 9748-9033, pls contact me if you wanna see your fren in a new shell. hahahaz.. =)
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