Monday, June 02, 2008
hey peeps..! its been a while since i've typed something decent out here... the very distant event was the treasure hunt.. thanx to delph, dc, kylie and pat that made that tiring thing very memorable. finding wad nonsense man's best fren, find statues, snow bird, measure the volume of some stupid statue and stuff... hahaz.. it was stupid but we made it fun. hahahahaah.. then after that was the surprise for sue.. kinda a lot of EMOTIONS at that time, but it went well. sue.. you better say you were surprised. hahahaah. thanx bernard for walking me home agian.. hee.. cuz i forgot to bring my ez link card then he scared i kenna rape by indians. hahahaahahahah... =)after that was graduation. well, a great time was spent with my dear classmates and my dear dear frens.. hahaz.. ((some to me are classmates only. hahahahaahz.. ooops.. )) picture taking piture taking and more picture taking. hahaz. head down to marche @ vivo with a total of 29 ppl. hahaz. i didn't know i had the power to lead almost 30 ppl down to marche. =) weeeee. hahaz.. ate a lot ah! ate my long awaited crepe! awesome. then wanted to watch made of honour, but no good seats. so went over to starbucks to have coffee and my daily dosage of GOSSIP! hahaz.. it was crazy, the stuff we came up with. all the crap. i would love to claim the honour that i was the one who came up with the stuff but the limlight is shared between us, namely me bee ping nicole boss ling pat keong ber and dc. hahaz.. love you ppl! certainly made my grad day light up. hahaz.. then was the dinner for ting's birthday at Karma Kettle and Rhapsody at dempsey hill. the food was expectedly awesome. i had pork chop and apple casserole. my god. the pork chop is so tender so juciy and thee apple was baked to like PERFECTION. it was totally perfect. eric had lamb korma and ting had across the english channel. oh yah ting. forgot to tell you. the reason it taste so good? white wine is added. hahaz.. but kinda ex lah. the total bill chalked up to 80 bucks. CUZ OF THE MOCKTAILS!! argh.. damn angry. if not cuz ruby keep pushing, i wouldn't have bought that lah. that was only the start of the night. hahaz.. after dinner, the 3 of us walked from dempsey hill all the way to cinnie in which we went to balcony for drinks. i had this drink named around the world. it was a mixture of gin, tequila, rum, vodka and duno wad with pineapple juice. i drink liao my mind also go around the world sia. hahaz.. but i had fun. high liao then i keep talking nonsense to eric lah!! zzzzz. sian. ahahahahz. today is monday and is the start of my 3 weeks holidays. after the 3 weeks break, its my test week. zzzzz.. 3 test in one week and they are not easy. sigh. hahaz. but i can do it! juz study only ritE? hahaz.. kylie! got time date me out for study okie? esp pok module sian... his is damn tough. pictures time!this is the show we saw at ms when we were killing time to meet sue for her surprise. hahaz.. CUTE RITE!!!! dc. you will love me for this. =)

pika's ass! hahaz..

me and popo

mummy me and popo. the 3 generations.

yay! i'm so tall! hahaz..

oh. i have to apalogise to shawn for this. my mum kept asking shawn to take again take again. cuz of the duno wad sunlight thing then got reflection shit. hahaz.. sorry dude.

stupid kim! block me. see she how tall!!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzz...........

yay! i love this pic! the 5 babes. =)

rong ping ah.. look at wad me and bee are mouthing. i think i was like "fuck" and bee was like "nao hia".. hahaz!!
oh this pic. hahaz.. i passed my cam to kim asking her to take me and cf together. then she was like. ok. i take liao. then give me see this pic. hahahaahz.. zzzzzzzzzz. stupid kim.
delph graduated liao!

i duno who took this pic and i dunno wad made me do that. hahaz.. but i find it quite cool. hahaz.
treasure hunt team! great work guys!

kok extra~! hahaz..
treasure team once again.
our team.

ling li! boss ask me to take this pic!! hahaz.. boss! dun always bully me okie. its history.. hahaha.. we've moved on.

yr 3 LOLers. plus dear charlotte. hahaz.. my fav ppl during the whole trip.
ok.. loadz of stuff are gonna happen for this coming week. lets name a few here ::
3/6 ((tues)) --> doctor's appointment. lets pray everything is good!
4/6 ((wed)) --> meet up with min and fer for lunch, then buy tickets.
6/6 ((fri)) --> sistas gathering!!! at fish and co, the glass house and then SEX AND THE CITY!
7/6 ((sat)) --> date with *ahem ahem*. hahaz.. secret. =) but its a gal hahaz.. how i wish it was a nice lad huh.. hee..
8/12 ((sun)) --> kim and filzan's BIRTHDAY! happie birthday in advance. dun worry. i will wish you all again when that day comes. hahaz..
tata guys! and thanx dc and rence for the pics. =)
8:33 PM