Friday, April 04, 2008
phew ~ . finally finish uploading all the pics ((not all lah. still got some left. )) some other pictures are in my thumbdrive which is not with me now. shall upload them again when i have the time.
this is the caramel capp that is sold in wa wee coffee outlet.. (something like TCC or coffee club like that. )) look at the foam !! look at the presentation.. my god.. hahahaz.. sooo nice loh..
this is when we are on our way from chiang mai airport to the school.
this car or wadeva that we sat on has no door...

it kinda looks like that. cool rite? hahaz..
we juz reached the school and this is our dorm. we shifted again but i didn't take a pic of it.. its something like that too.
morning assembly for the first morning the guys in white are the soccer team players.. they won 2nd in the whole of thailand ((among the schools for the deaf))

receiving their awards from the principal
this is how the kids sit in their morning assembly.
we started walking round the school after the morning assembly and this is something that caught my eye. its an ice kachang macine. placed there for the students..

along with the different kinds of sauces..
the sign language pictures.
drawings by the students. they are so talented.

this too.. damn beautiful rite?
welcome to english class.. in this school, the studnets go to the classes instead of the teachers going to the classes. that means to say, that the teachers have a fix classroom. there's a english classroom, maths classroom, science classroom so on and so forth. so the students will go to the respective classroom during lesson time.
and this is how they sit.

every afternoon at 4.30, the students will gather at the basketball court to have a dancing session. its not a compulsory thing but still, many will attend. my group and i went for the dance thing on the first day. one thing to add, they can really dance. even though they can't hear the music, they still dance better than us. hahaz..

this is the outside of the guys dorm. looks rather empty and big and spooky at night.
i was walking down on the 2nd day and i saw these kids playing. i took out my camera to take a pic of that. in the next instant, all the kids came rushing up to me wanting their photo to be taken.
hahaz.. so cute.

oh.. and there is this ant or something swimming in my cup the next morning. hahaz.. it was SWIMMING somemore loh.
this is the shuai ge that me and a few other gals were crazy about. his dimple is sooo deep and so shuai. so tan , so cool.. omg. hahaz.
after school activities for the kids. the kids like to carry their bags and play sports. i dunno why but a lot of them do that. and they can even wear their sweater to play sports.

i admire the girls there too. they can play soccer with long skirts and slippers. and bags. they juz hold their skirts togetherand they play like that. woah.
this is when i'm in the library i took pictures with the kids there.
this is bernard, naomi, terence, alex and hanrong. at the library. this is the exact corner we set up our english corner. i FORGOT to take a pic of the newly set up english corner.. sadded. how could i have forgotten???? sigh.

one of my good frens at the school
one morning we woke up and there were like 10 hot air ballons. hahaz.. all the gals were so stunned. it continued for the next 2 mornings. then we realise that it was the preparation for a
wedding. cool rite?
these are the blue blacks i had for dunno wad reasons. most of the gals had the too. nv knock into anything most of our legs got blue blacks. ahaz.. like kenna beaten like that..
9:40 AM