Tuesday, February 26, 2008
rong ping!!!hahaz... dun say till i like so bad leh. i recently really really super ultra duper short term memory. soooooooooooooooooo many things to remember. zzzz.. hahahaah.. i apologise here ok? busy with job liao rite? hahaz.. i come back we go eat coffee club breakfast. ok ok?? hahaz.. you muz remind me and also help me plan. later i forgot again ppl say i pang seh.. zzzzz..
11:26 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
yay! i still can blog. hahahaha..went to k box on sat with fer and min. old school and emo session.. hahaz.. all the old school and emo songs. old school songs::= wu yan de jie ju= yuan yang hu die meng= rong shu xia= jian au= .... dunno wad the titles le. hahaz.. can only remember these distinctive few.juz found out that every song that we listened to in sec school, got link to the ppl that we like. not only me. hahahaha..jie kou --> ##r sh%%ji shi ben and zhe me she de wo nan guo --> ^^yne^ (( that is why i cried at that time, min. hahahaz. to think you can still remember my chou shi ))em songs we sang::= guo huo= ji shi ben= zhe me she de wo nan guo.min, jia you for last paper!!!
8:00 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
first things first. khliad has been transferred to whitesands already. he left an note for everyone of us. for bee and delph, its combined lah. hahaz.. "yimei/delph: pls dun stop being blur sotongs cuz work is more fun when you are blur." and something abt jia you or take care that kind of thing. above is not the exact words but its somewhere around that line. so yah.. juz to tell you cuz i keep forgetting to tell you guys. ok. been busy with my thailand trip. all the langage learning, the dance practicing and the meetings are killing me. on top of that all the meet-ups, the buying of stuff and the packing of stuff is the worst. [[sorry des. i forgot. luckily you reminded me. pls sms me if you will be free not kkz? thanx]] .. my group mates are fine, or rather we are usually the more kia su ones cuz of one guy who has this "auntie-ism" in him.. hahahaha.. after every meeting, it seems like we are getting closer and closer to each other, making jokes, suaning each other and kb-ing each other. =) and so far i know 3 guys who can play the piano, plays jay songs only. zzz.. an jing, jie kou and ju hua tai. hahaha.. i cannot memo songs cuz i usually sight read them. hence, i can only memo those sentimental songs. my bez:: fur elise. hahahaha.. kept playing that at the MPH.i'm torn between wad bags to bring. hahahahz.. stupid rite? i'm gonna have a luggage, and one more bag. but i dunno wad "the other bag" is gonna be. a harvasack? or my last time school bag. the sling one. the harvasack damn big lah. if wan to go city tour or shopping, bring until so big like ah gong rite? although i like to bring big bags lah. but the one a little extreme lah... haiz.. its in 5 days and i still can't decide... !!!!!! gotta reach terminal 1 at 5.45am. wanted to go to T3 coffee club to get free drinks if the ppl i know on shift. but very very very unlikely can go liao. -_-.. hahaz.. i'm not sure whihc number will be using over at thailand but its most prob the 92302312. the other unknown number which i think most of you have received sms from. but dun worry! i have signed up for the student plan, waiting for it to be activated. ((think by the time activate liao, i in thailand le. zzzzz)) so all the other funny funny numbers can delete le. =) happie. alchol to be bought when i come home. - 1 for my house the "aliez" one. -2 for min's chalet. tequila and martini or triple sec- 1 more available. ((i think)).. so if anyone wans to chope first, i can help you. but no gaurentee. do tell me before i fly off ok? -i got like 3 wines available. anybody wan wine or beer??? the one a lot. cuz i dun buy one. everybody buy hard liquor. hahaha..ok. hope that i get to blog again before i fly. if not,
take care everyone!! i will miss all of you (seriously, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart)i hope i can get gifts. hahaz.. hopefully for everyone. HOPEFULLY. so dun put your hopes too high. hahahaahz..
i shall see you guys again after march 17th after 1955. (",)
thanx filzan for you gift. hahaz.. really very cute. =) dun worry, i will use it there. hahahaz.. did you choose that pen on your own or your gf choose for you? hahahaha.. oops.. sorry.. hahahahahaz.. bee: muz update me on your work and stuff ah. juz send an email or something ok? oh. dun forget to get your pay on the 4th. i won't be there to remind you. you can go with delph or something. dun get killed by syawal ah!!delph: pls remind bee to take pay IF YOU ARE STILL WORKING, that is and dun forget to take it yourself also.. hahaz. send schedule that time, pls think carefully. not everytime can siam one you know? hahaz.. rence: sorry that day for wad happen. i know you damn du lan with me. but i really cna't get away cuz we have limited time to practice and as you know, i no dance talent, so it takes double the time for me to learn. sorry sorry..nicole/kim/sue: ello babes. haiz. pity you can't send me off. cuz its too early rite? hahaz..its ok i dun blame you. eh sue. you know wad? my thai teahcer is totally cute you know. hahaz.. how was the sentosa outing? hope its fun. kim, did nicole and bee piss you off? hahaz. hope they didn't. i didn't hear from you but i guessed you survived it anyway. hahaz.. nicole ah. dun always go clubb ah.. hahahahahaz.. oops.. no lah. i know you very guai one rite, ah lian? =)
xin yu/jia xin: after the interview, got reply mah? muz tell me ah!! hahaz.. and xin yu. i hope i see xiao zhu's stuff over there so i can buy them back for you in bulk. hahahaz.. =)yun har: happie dating! hahahaha... have you gotten a job? do upated me on yourself ok? =)
ting: take care ah!! if you cannot tahan or anything, juz ask them go fuck themselves. i'm sure they need a lot of time for that.. hahaz.. sistas: looking forward to tonight's dinner althought mich can't come and hsien haven reply. hahaz.. as xpected. hahaz.. and also looking forward to the birthday party for min at BM. *pssst ppssst to fer and bao. i intend to dress min up like a bear on that day. as in really buy her a bear head and a bear body. there's one place that sells the bear head at vivo city. the shop name is called thirty seven degrees. GO AND BUY!!!!! hahaz... take care ah. min, finish exams le dun drink so much ok? fer, dun get too stressed up on your work. remember to take daily coffee. coffee club sells black forest. so if you need, they sell. juz say you are yu ying's fren. confirm free one. HAHAZ.. no lah.. DUN AH!!! hahaz.... bao, thanx for going tonight. i know you got exams.. thanx so much. send my regards to mich and farhat if you guys see them. kel, hope you get into fullerton or ritez carlton. dun go to rendezvous. zzz.. the one very old already. the ppl there also damn rude de. hahahaz.. ok to the others, take care aight? shall se you when i come home.
11:25 AM
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
oh my god. i had this japanese customer who came in and sat down at the table and asked me"can we order from here?"then i said " yah sure.."then you know wad the guy said?" ok. one tequila please.".........................i said"huh?!?"then he said " nah. juz joking"hahahahaha... oh my god.. wads with alcohol and me sia.. keep getting into the wrong foot. hahaz..
12:18 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
ok. my the other lap is really really sucky. the modem is perfectly fine. but i juz can't get into the internet explorer. ARGH! i hate it when its like that. now, i'm using my mum's lap but this lap can't use youtube and msn. i'm like half handicapped. ok wadeva. i got a call for an interview from this drug company. schering plough. anyone heard of it? its at tuas. they call me and ask me if i intend to further studies then i said yes. then she asked how long. then i said if i get in its gonna be a 2 yr long course part time. then she was like oh.. cuz our positionis 2 yr contract, full time. shift work. and you know wads the shift work like? 8am to 4.30pm, 4.30pm to 12 midnight and 12 midnight to 8am. nice. and its at Tuas. i told her that i dun dare to comit myself to the job as i do not know if i'm accepted for the course. if i'm not accepted then i will call back and see if the position is still available. well.. thats my first call for interview and i rejected it. sad.. been up to nothing these days. i thought exams over can chiong finish my romantic princess before i leave for thailand. well guess wad? i can't now. zzzzz. sadded.. read book, play ds lite, play piano. these are my activities when i'm at home. but i'm usually out of the house anyway. busy with pre thailand trip activities and meeting up with frens.
watched p.s. i love you yesterday with my beloved sistas. fer, kel and bao. my first time at GV vivo. hahaz.. and its again with them, =) anyway. it was a great show but i have to say something BAO CRIED A LOT LAH. hahaz.. she kept sniffing and sniffing beside me. before the show she even said to me. "look i got tissue paper". then i was like "for wad?" then she said "the show lah. i scared i cry. i got the 4 ply one." hahaz.... cute rite she? hahahahaha.. and i saw hui wen at the vivo toilet. hahaz.. coincidence.
after that me fer and kel went to bellini room for drinks. i ordered or rather fer ordered for me a red wine and then i ordered a bourbon. we left the place at 11pm. hahahaa.. good rite? hahaz. ordered the party platter there. nice leh. surprisingly. hahaz.. okie dokie guys. the pics taken on CHinese new year. da nian chu yi ::

above in the pic are my grandmother ((mum's mum)) and my mum and dad respectively. its the only yr my grandma stayed over at my house for cny. i MADE MY PARENTS kneel down for their ang baos. hahaz. cuz i can't get away with it, neither can they. wahahaha.

my maid doesn't get away with it too.. hahahahahaha. =)
at marina bay jetty or something. dunno wad is the name of the jetty
tourists from singapore .. one from china =) hahahahahaha
yeah. i love the wind.
farhan and filzan
seriously. the boat was too rocky. i needed to hold onto something. and i could still feel unstable. hahaz..
delph trying to help me. but looks like SM rite? hahaz..
me has and shikin
delph, bee, me. has, shikin and as usual, the act cool filzan
syawal, me, liza and suriati
syawal, delph, bee, liza and suriati
emo bee
emo delph
emo zan
emo ying. ((i can't pose for nuts lah. so sorry. hahahahahaa.. ))
xi ((happie))
nu ((anger))
ai ((sorrow))
le ((happie)) .. bee didn't take the 4th photo so i took the 1st one to compensate. hahaz.
nu ((i played cheat a bit here. this wasn't theactual 'nu' pic i took. i found another more suitable one to replace. hahaz..))
le ((i really really really can't pose for my life. hahahahaha. ))
bee, delph, idah and me
the couple with couple specs. hahaz.
gosh! no! we dun wan!!
argh!!! we really dun wan!!!!!!!
this pic is supposed to show them holding onto me cuz the wind is too strong. but it looks like some kindergarden gals holding hands. -_-
yay!! the future couple from the time machine! ((dun they look compatible?? *winkz* ))
w/o flash
with flash

note the 3 ghosts at the front row. came live from Ju-On...
Group pics
after taking this pic, i remembered VERY CLEARLY bee said this pic not nice. she muz stand on the left side then she look nicer. hahaz..
but seriously, honestly, truthfully from the bottom of my heart, it looks the same. hahahahaaz..
ACT CUTE!!!!!!! zzzzzz.. hahaz. wad the hell.
had a great time on the sampan. the songs were great. i think they were better than MOS sometimes. hahaz.. food better than expected. ambience excellent. so overall experience: fantastic!! hahaz.. really.
oh. btw. sue:: the translations are for you. hahaz.. and also forgot to answer your question. ciang jing tou means --> attratct attention by being in the main view or something like that.. hahaz.. dunno how to explain also. hahaz.. i'm so sorry..
1:44 PM